Powerful Rabbana Dua for Spouses in Arabic



In Muslim custom, dua is a brawny shape of supplication that suffice as a agency of communication between the individual and Allah. One of the nigh usually enumerate dua is the Rabbana dua , which are supplication observe in the Quran that start out with the word of honor ” Rabbana “, mean ” Our Lord “. When it do to married person , there exist various Rabbana dua that are peculiarly commend to put forward approval, musical harmony, and happiness in the kinship. In this web log office, we will research some of the almost muscular Rabbana Dua for love back for partner in Arabic, their meaning, and benefit.

1. Rabbana atina fid – dunya hasanatan wa fil – akhirati hasanatan wa qina adhaban – nar ( Quran 2:201 )

This dua understand to ” Our Lord, feed us in this cosmos [ that which is ] just and in the Hereafter [ that which is ] near and protect us from the punishment of the Fire “. By itemise this dua, mate are search Allah ‘s boon and protective covering in both the worldy lifetime and the Hereafter. It is a supplication for overall well – being, prosperity, and redemption from the bedevilment of Hellfire.

2. Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wathurriyyatina qurrata a yunin waj alna lilmuttaqina imama ( Quran 25:74 )

In this dua, better half need Allah for righteous partner and materialisation who will be the ease of their oculus and stimulate them drawing card of the righteous. Declaim this dua is a fashion to essay a pious cooperator and minor who will be a generator of joyousness and pride, equally advantageously as a mean of counsel for the folk in take after the way of piousness and righteousness.

3. Rabbana aatina min azwaajina wadhurriy – yatina qurrata a yunin waj alna lilmuttaqeena imaama ( Quran 2:127 )

This dua is standardized to the late one, but with a dissimilar rhyme. It translate to ” Our Lord, award us from among our married woman and young ease to our heart and take a crap us an exercise for the righteous. ” By narrate this plea, couple essay Allah ‘s grace in their matrimonial lifetime and progeny, implore to be a reservoir of inspiration for those who are upright and God – fearing.

4. Rabbana ghfir li waliwalidayya walilmuminina yawma yaqumul hisab ( Quran 14:41 )

In this Rabbana dua, better half essay pardon for themselves, their parent, and all the believer on the Mean Solar Day of Reckoning. It is a plea for mercifulness and pardon for retiring sin and error, not solely for themselves but too for their bed I and the entire residential area of worshiper.

Benefit of Itemize Rabbana Dua for Partner

  • Tone Up the Bond between mate by put forward Allah ‘s grace upon the kinship.
  • Foster a sentience of gratitude and trust on Allah for sustainment and intimately – being.
  • Animate a look of piety and righteousness in the phratry unit of measurement.
  • Promotes pardon and pity towards one another.
  • Protect the marriage ceremony from blase challenge and enticement.

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs )

1. How often should married person recite Rabbana dua together? Spouses can enumerate the Rabbana dua in concert as parting of their day-by-day supplication, preferably after the obligatory supplicant or during meter of intimacy and bonding.

2. Can the Rabbana dua be tell in any terminology early than Arabic? While the original Rabbana dua are in Arabic, married person are advance to empathise the signification and design behind the invocation and can declaim them in their native lyric for good comprehension.

3. Are there specific clip or function when narrate Rabbana dua for better half is to a greater extent urge? While there personify no specific limitation, mate can heighten their practice of Rabbana dua during peculiar affair such as day of remembrance, hard sentence, or when seek Allah ‘s counselling and approving for their relationship.

4. How can married person contain the recitation of Rabbana dua into their casual procedure? Spouses can lay apart consecrate meter during the day for itemise Rabbana dua in concert, such as after Fajr or before move to bed. They can too pull in it a use to recite these supplication during present moment of togetherness and contemplation.

5. Are there any etiquette to be watch over while narrate Rabbana dua with one ‘s married person? Spouses should assert a land of pureness and engrossment while itemize the Rabbana dua, face the Qibla if potential, and kindle their helping hand in plea. It is too advocate to seduce dua with sincerity and humility in the core.

In finis, the Rabbana dua for spouse harbor Brobdingnagian ghostly implication and can assist as a reservoir of effectiveness, guidance, and thanksgiving for marital family relationship. By itemise these plea with serious-mindedness and agreement, dyad can essay Allah ‘s clemency and shelter for themselves, their family line, and the total residential district of worshiper.

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